This particular photo was done with a blue gelled flash hiding behind the curtains to give it a nice soft moody blue tone. The model was fantastic and has one of the better bodies i've had a pleasure to photograph.
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Just Pictures
Pretty much the most amazing couple I know. I've known them for years and every time I visit their house it's a great experience. During one of these visits the topic came up and I had all my gear with me, so we just set up in one of the child's room and started taking pictures.
This was for a Plena group taken at condado. this picture was a very happy accident, since we originally planned another spot, but due tu unforseen circumstances had to change location at the last minute.
The group was just great and everyone was full of energy and enthusiasm all through the shoot.Thanks to that the picture ended better than I had hoped.
This photo was shot for Ocean Drive Magazine in Puerto Rico. One of the challenges of shooting fashion designers is working in a format that you can give them an unique photo and at the same time showcase the best of them. We basically built the whole set from an empty room to almost give the appearance of a behind the scenes shot from a fashion show.
He was excellent to work with and im very happy with the final results
and oldie but goodie, Cely with her husband and her soon to be born baby Amelia
This shoot was right in the street at 10pm a night. I wanted to capture the sense of light from the street, but ended up deleting the background and just concentrating on the expresion.
A little play on the whole sexy and dangerous theme